main-productWhen I go to the gym, I’ve seen a large fridge full of boxes of cool coconut water and have wondered ‘What’s the deal here?”.  Am I nuts (Coconuts?)

Turns out that coconut water is a good source of carbohydrate (simple sugar), potassium, and sodium for replenishing liquids lost during strenuous exercise. It contains a little less sugar and a little more potassium that general sport drinks, so it’s touted as being superior and more natural.

I suppose that is true, if you like the taste of it!  I’ve not tried it, so I don’t know….but I’m not sure that a cool, refresshing thin watery coconut fluid is my idea of ‘delicious & nutritious’.

Next time I’m at the gym, I may give it a try, but for now, you should know that sports drinks, or just plain water and likely as good for the general athlete.

For more information, check out this WebMD article that is quite good.