IT’S SOUP!!!!!

Screen Shot 2015-12-25 at 7.40.26 AMIt’s SOUP!

By that , I mean…it’s FLU SEASON.

Two weeks ago I indicated that the flu season was going to be delayed compared to the past two years, but the last two weeks ha proved me wrong.  We have had two weeks of increasing cases of documented flu.  We’ve seen very little in the office, but  it is in The Valley, so be aware.  High fever, aches & pains, cough, sore throat can be signs, and Tamiflu when taken early can be helpful.  If you feel like you’ve been run over by a truck, call or come in to get your Tamiflu.  Other treatments for symptoms can be found on page 95 of THE GUIDE at

So….don’t miss out on your flu shot…get it if you have not already done so.  You still have time.